Rink monitor responsibilities for senior club families


As a senior club member, families are REQUIRED to rink monitor twice per session.  More is always welcome, and we truly appreciate those that go above and beyond the requirement. Rink monitors are needed in order for our senior club skaters to skate. This is an additional requirement for our senior club families.  Rink monitoring does not count as work hours.  When we all share in the load, our club runs smoothly.  Here are a few guildelines for signing up for rink monitoring.

1. Fill in your name in the white cell under the date/time of the session. You can sign up just for the first session or fill in your preferred dates/times for the entire season.

2. If you sign up and you are unable to make it, you will be responsible for finding a replacement.  Please do not just take your name off the spreadsheet.  We all know emergencies please come up.  If this is the case please contact Jen Bolger([email protected] 715-896-1638).

3. If you scroll all the way to the right you will see the list of families in senior club.  You can use this list to find a replacement, and I use this list to contact families that need to take their turn rink monitoring.  

Rink monitoring is fairly easy and straight forward.  You will mark off who is on the ice skating.  You may also be asked to play music for skaters.  A video "rink monitoring tutorial" will be provided.